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Partner for organizers

Inspiring & effective exhibitions

Smart realization for your success

Organizers make the economy come alive

As a pioneer of modular system construction with over 55 years of experience, we also support group exhibitors, trade fair and event organizers.

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Partnership at the highest level

We know how important efficient collaboration is. Our optimized processes take our partnership to a new level.



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Full service for you

Your access to all services, modular stand construction packages and agile processes. We implement your exhibition concepts promptly and flexibly.


Time for more important things

We have the reliable skills and capabilities to create modular measurement solutions using only limited resources on your side.




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Effective. Profitable. Sustainable.

We plan and realize your projects, from scalable exhibition stands to complex theme parks, at an attractive price-performance ratio.



Goals & needs of trade fair organizers

As early as 1968, Heinz Soschinski (still under the company name Expotechnik) developed the modular, reusable exhibition stand with the System 1000. Since then, we have developed into an international partner for the trade fair industry. Not only for individual brand spaces, but also for efficient solutions for trade fair organizers with and without their own exhibition grounds as well as trade associations with joint stands for their members.

We have experience with your different expectations, needs and goals - and can respond to your individual challenges. Let's talk to each other.

Brands worldwide that work with us

Safety & Quality

Rely on 55 years of experience in the full range of live marketing solutions.

Benefit from agile and certified processes thanks to the process integration of bluepool and our 25-year partnership with Landesmesse Stuttgart.

With our quality and environmental management certifications, we take responsibility for companies, people and the environment. 



Said and done.

We act as a reliable and professional partner who develops and implements well thought-out and approachable solutions for our customers. With over 100 experts, they have access to specialist knowledge and (wo)manpower for international trade fair locations.

We keep to budget and timing, and quality is high. That's what we stand for.


Added value for you and your exhibitors

You can choose from several systems to suit your requirements in terms of efficiency, assembly, price and design. With the flexible modules we plan and realize scalable exhibition stands up to complex theme parks including rental furniture.

With 4 central warehouses in central and southern Germany and 8 international hubs, we meet the high demands of our customers anytime and anywhere.

Meet the team

Wolfgang Appelsmeier

Head of Organizer Business & Events

"Wir nehmen Sie mit auf Ihre Costumer Journey - 360-Grad-Customer-Experience-Consulting."

Näher kennenlernen

900 Pros working for you

Get to know

Plan together now

What is your project? Our experts will be happy to advise you in an initial consultation and provide you with a quote.

20 minutes well spent.


“ET GLOBAL unleashes the power of your brand. So that you can achieve your goals.”

Ahmet Kaya

Head of Business Development Organizer Business