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AstraZeneca at ADA

From Product Focus to Outcomes


A space dedicated to patient-centric narratives within their relative brand experiences while championing AstraZeneca’s mission – their “WHY”.

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AstraZeneca at ADA

Our longstanding strategic partnership with AstraZeneca has seen a transformation in the way they communicate with delegates at tradeshows.

As can be seen by this example, the exhibit carefully blends the humanity of the brand promise alongside the vital clinical data to overall create a more holistic brand experience.  We added a life size wax mannequin patient into their medical affairs area to better contextualize the impact of their Cardiovascular drugs. 

We also incorporated a unique traffic draw onto the main aisle by placing over 7,000 dominos over the course of each day that spelt the name of a drug and recreated its key patient persona.  As the convention guests walked by, we invited them to sign a domino.  Each individual domino was placed at the beginning of the setup to symbolize one positive step towards the patient’s healthy life. 

In the end, all three falldowns worked perfectly and we attracted a big crowd for each of the projects, both during the building and during the topple.



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